Ice, Ice Baby
Or as Emma says, "ish"...our kid is nutso over ice and not the good kind of nutty. If she deems there to not be enough "ish" in her sippy cup, which is every cup, a tantrum ensues and yells of "ish, ish" follow. Last night we had to remove the cup from the dinner table and she is banned from "ish" until the temporary restraining order, of no less than 2 years is lifted...we will revisit "ish" when Emma can recognize that a few cubes is plenty and the cup isn't left sweating all over furniture because she knows how to use a coaster. Sitting on a wet couch isn't fun.
Over the weekend, we went to a graduation party and Emma kept grabbing ice from the outdoor beverage bucket. As soon as one melted, she "had" to have another, but following around her cousin, Maria, finally distracted her enough from the ice bucket. Who wants to hold ice?! Brrrr.