When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Spring 2015

We have been enjoying the great outdoors after a snowy, long winter!  Emma has been helping me weed the flowerbeds which turns into her searching for worms. She believes a bucket of dirt is their new home/cage.  We had to upgrade to a new bike size this year and have left the trainers on until she gets the feel for it. It's a heart attack riding in our neighborhood since she has a tendency to look everywhere but forward and there are lots of cars using the neighborhood as a cut-thru.  The first of the season ride, she bumped a neighbors minivan (no mark, whew!).  It's interesting, you would think everyone would be sleeping better and happier with more outdoor activity, but Emma seems to get too overstimulated, becomes very moody and uncooperative for the rest of the day.

Emma made friends with another 5yo on the street and they have been having a blast toggling playdates between houses.  This little girl is also in her Prek class and they will be riding the bus to kindergarten together. She still plays with the little guy next door, but they are very competitive and a lot of bickering back and forth ensues...he is a few years younger than her, but she loves hanging out with him bc he is on the move like she is.

We had our first big injury, a sprained ankle.  Em went to her very first birthday party at an indoor recreation center.  While on a trampoline, another girl jumped and Emma lost balance, rolling her ankle.  The ankle instantly swelled and bruised, so we had an xray to rule out a fracture.  The first couple days were difficult trying to rest it and it's still sensitive, so she can't run like she wants and has to be reminded. Gymnastics modified her sessions and helped her with some rehab moves so she didn't have to sit out.

Speaking of gymnastics, she was invited to Level 1 Team last week.  Team begins in June and she will be at the gym two days a week, 2 hours each day. We need the ankle to heal well!


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