"I Wuv You" and Music
Emma now says, "I wuv you"...brings tears to my eyes just typing it! She has been a cuddly love bug the last week, hanging onto us like a Koala Bear when we try and put her down. I taught her to point at her eye, then her heart and point at Doug or I as an alternative way to say "I wuv you"...it's sooooo cute! I have to watch her though, because most of the time she is cramming her finger in her eye!
Last night we let Emma play on a piano/keyboard I have and she was in Heaven! However, she tried to pull an Elton John and stand on her piano bench (really her picnic table) while she played and got into trouble. She loves music and singing so much...I can't wait to see what talents emerge as she gets older. Whenever a teenager drives by our house blasting music, Emma stops what she is doing and busts a move...the girl likes to dance!
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