Best of Friends

They are really only best friends when the patio door is open. The rest of the day, Sport watches Emma perched on the back of the couch trying to avoid her. Sometimes Sport looks at me like he is saying, "Why did you bring this other animal into our home?". We try to encourage Emma to be gentle and pet only their heads, but no matter how many times we tell her, she goes straight for their tails and gets hissed at. Miah is more tolerant of Emma's "petting" and she runs versus hissing when she has had enough. At 15 years old, Sport is a grumpy old man and less tolerant! Emma loves the cats though and will chase after them making a kissing sound, wanting to give them a hug and the cats are like, "No way, I'm outta here" and run behind the couches. Emma doesn't give in easy though and will chase them all the way to the hiding spots.
what a Great picture
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