When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Friday, December 14, 2007

Adoption Wait Explanation

I know everyone is wondering what the heck is going on with this adoption and are worried for us. We will continue to wait, unless we get news that China is closing their adoption program. Too much hope, time, and money have been invested in this process.

The easiest way to explain what is going on is this:

China is stating there are more applications for adoption than children available.
They state the adoptions will continue and if families can't wait, then China may not be the right program for them.

Obviously the less children in an orphange the better and honestly, who wants to wish that a couple chooses adoption for their daughter just so we can adopt her. The more families can stay together, the better. It sucks for Doug and I, but we are staying the course.

Per China, we are not allowed to proceed with a concurrent adoption from the US or any other country. Atempting pregnancy again is also not an option b/c China would put our application on hold for 1 year as all children in the home must be 1 year old for an adoption to be approved. We are not willing to risk our adoption being stunted as we are too far in the process.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

This Months Referrals Issued

China referred up to December 14, 2005...approximately 400 families will be seeing their child's face tomorrow.

The current trend is that China is processing an average 6 days per month, so it's taking 4 months to get through 1 calendar month of families waiting.

If they keep up this rate, we have another 18 months of waiting or more...we are numb...

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