When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Quick summer

Summer is flying by!  School begins again in just a little over a month.  Emma has grown this summer, but not by much, looks like the only thing we will need to school shop for is pants , but not doing that just yet, will wait until it gets cooler.  She is in-between sizes and pants shopping is complicated.

We signed E. up for a few days of a camp in August, which should wear her out, it's an all day experience. Hopefully this will get her back into the groove for school, in regards to listening, following directions etc.  She is "on to me" in regards to library story time, now has no interest in going because the librarian is very firm about sitting still and not talking unless instructed to move or use their voice...lol...smart kid.

Learning to ride a bike happened in about 3 instructions/one week...she is doing great and all about her safety!  Helmet, gloves, elbow/knee pads....won't ride her bike without.  One ride she chose to not wear her knee pads, hit a curb and the bike went flying on one direction and her in the other.  She wouldn't ride the bike for about a week, but Dad got her back on it.

Gymnastics is status quo, will be moving to the next level in September.  Her coach told us E. could take gymnastics every day of the week and still have plenty of energy.  E. is battling open blisters from bar work at home and on the playground.  She is aping the monkey bars not stop.  The blisters heal and then she breaks them right back open/  Her coach told her that means she is working really hard and that's a good thing.

We are going to Disney this Fall and she talks about it all the time.  She steals change off our counters to put in her Disney Fund.  Last week Doug laid a few 20's on the counter for me to pickup, didn't tell me and she "stole" them.  We had a talk with her about asking if it's OK before she takes anything.  She already has a couple of Disney gifts cards and a bunch of change saved up.  E. said she is buying an Elsa dress, cape and shoes when we get to Disney...it's a good learning experience for her to save towards something vs. instant gratification.

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