When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

What a wonderful Christmas this year is!  This morning I still really couldn't believe my eyes that we had a little one in footed pj's running around the tree.  We almost had a Christmas disaster, but Doug had the mind to open up Emma's kitchen earlier in the afternoon yesterday and much to our horror, most of the parts were missing from the kitchen set we purchased.  We packed it back up and Doug ran to the toy store to see what they had in stock.  In the end, she received a better kitchen because they were all on sale yesterday.

We didn't expect much reaction from Christmas morning, but there was more than we expected and we captured some of it on our flip video.  There may also be some footage of her partaking in her first jelly donut!   Emma loves the kitchen and was pushing buttons, sticking pots in the oven and serving coffee.  The few other gifts from Santa were trumped by the kitchen.  We are hoping by the end of the day she is warmed up and starts tearing into the wrapping paper but she still looks at us with dismay as we try to show her the ropes of unwrapping.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Forks and Spoons

Emma started holding a fork or spoon while we fed her a few weeks ago and now she is starting to figure how to keep the utensils upright while there is food on them.  Yesterday I started scooping whatever we were eating then handing the utensil to her, to feed herself.  She is very joyful about feeding herself!  Once she took her bite, she would hand the fork or spoon back to me, clap and then grunt for me to get her next bite ready.  Sometimes she tries to grab whatever is on the silverware vs. putting it in her mouth, so I have to keep a close watch.  This morning she grabbed a fistful of oatmeal as I handed her the spoon.  She still doesn't have enough focus or control to scoop up her own bites without flipping a plate or bowl, so for now this will be our meal time routine.
She likes to know what everything is right now, but no new words have been spoken.  At every meal, she points to my watch, ring, shirt, table and light fixture.  If you say watch, she will point right to it.  Everyday we pull out our "word books" and she points to each object, "asking" us to say the word.  I think one day the word flood gate is just going to unleash, but for now, her only words are Mama, Dad, ball, cat, ba, bite, hi and bye.  About once a day, she gets very animated and a long babble of who knows what comes out.  Whatever she is saying, she is cracking herself up, because she bends over, slaps her knees and laughs.  When I run the vacuum, she follows behind me, practically shouting a stream of babble.  It's funny that she knows she has to "speak" louder when the vacuum is running and thank goodness she finally likes the vacuum!  She can't not touch it now when I pull the vacuum out.
This week we attempted a visit with Santa.  I have been talking him up for weeks, pointing at his figure everywhere go and telling her how nice he is.  Emma has a Christmas "first words" book and I would point to him, say how nice he is and she would give him a kiss.  After all this prep, I was thinking the Santa visit might have a better chance....NO CHANCE.  As soon as she felt me removing her from my body, she started kicking, screaming and turning ruby red.  I have to say, I felt like a complete butthead for the rest of the day doing that to her. 
To add to the trauma of Santa this week, we had our follow-up eye appointment yesterday, lol.  She knew where we were as soon as we stepped into the exam room and panicked.  Thankfully we were able to calm her down enough for them to see what they needed, without dialating the eyes.  For now, the eyes are symmetrical with her specs on, but we have to go back in June.  With her being so young, she is going to have growth spurts that may change her prescription needs, but hopefully in June the eyes will have remained stable and we might not have to go back for a full year.  Emma still won't wear the glasses as much with Dad around, but the Doc said as long as she wears them 50% of the day, it's fine.  I'm thankfull she wears them at all and I think the days she is with me and wearing them, makes up for the days she is solo with Dad.  
Next week is going to busy with Christmas and I am keeping my fingers crossed we don't have night time issues with all the bustle.  We have 3 days of events and we are trying as much as possible to keep all meals and naps on schedule.  A schedule is definitely Emma's magic...if we spend too much time away from the house visiting, she still gets out of sorts, so we are schedule maniacs, which is ok with me, because I have similar issues, lol. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Our first solo photo session

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Winter playtime

Brrrrrrr....it's fuhreezing outside! Our activity options are being taken indoors and it's difficult thinking of free activities to do with a 14 month old, so we have been walking laps around the house, I have been teaching her to climb stairs (Doug is not a huge fan of this activity) and we play hide and seek.

I purchased book a few years ago, which lists activities to do by age ranges and of course there is developmental learning hidden in these activities, so with below freezing temps, I cracked the binding. Even in this book, there is not much kids between 12 and 18 months can do, but we are learning to toss objects into a bucket and we broke out the crayons...I mean crayon. Do you really think I am nuts enough to give a 14 month old a whole box of crayons? I'm not. They suggest water color painting at this age...um, no way...that's an outdoor Summer activity.

Emma really enjoyed the purple crayon and scribbling on a piece of paper. She held onto my hand and we wrote her name, drew a smiley face and scribbled. I can't quite figure out if she is a south paw or not. She seems to reach for objects more often with her left, but then she also uses her right hand too, so I'm not sure which hand I'm supposed to put the crayon in...not that she can really grasp it anyway, but we tried. She didn't try to eat the crayon (BONUS), but she wanted to dig her fingernails in the tip.

We took a trip to Hobby Lobby for the jumbo size crayons to help her grasp better and bought a jumbo coloring book. Did you know that Jumbo crayons are not JUMBO anymore? They are half the size of what they used to be and double the cost! We let Emma walk around Hobby Lobby and I am proud to say, she did not pull anything off a shelf or even try to run away from us. Well, I'm not really shocked that E. didn't run away from us because she is a "velcro child", but there is a lot of "stuff" in Hobby Lobby and the fact that she minded us when we said, "only look, no touch" is quite remarkable when she is surrounded by all that blingy stuff at eye level. I figured the worst case scenario was that she didn't mind and we got a cart, but that didn't happen and she slept like a hibernating bear last night from all the walking.

Emma exercises with me now, lol. This week she joined me in the stretching, arm circles and downward dogs...she gets a "D" on form, but "A" for effort. The best part of the whole workout is when I'm doing ab work, she lays her head on my stomach and gives me the biggest grin and she stands at my knees, like she is holding them for me when I do sit-ups. How can you not love rising from a sit up with a big toothy grin greeting you? I could do 1,000 sit ups looking at that face. Maybe Emma will be the next Jackie Warner or Jillian Michaels or she will just be my workout partner when she gets older? ;)

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Thanksgiving pics

Wednesday, December 01, 2010


I turned my back for one second, to reach into the dryer for a bib, turned back around and I caught Emma trying to scoop the litter box.  She must have seen Dad scooping litter as I have never scooped in front of her before, lol.
We decided to give her a first taste of fast food and she scarfed a soft taco, from Taco Bell down.  E. loves to eat and even with all the hub-bub of Thanksgiving excitement, she cleaned her plate everywhere we went.   She ate so well and we were so tired of eating healthy,  fast food was calling our name after days and days of turkey.

Last night we took her to Home Depot and let her walk vs. ride in a cart since the store wasn't crowded and all the carts were wet from the nasty weather that moved into Ohio yesterday.  Emma thought walking was awesome and was grinning so big, we could even see the teeth in the back of her mouth.  She was oohing and ahhing at all the tools, dancing on the concrete floors and running.  Of course she face planted and ended up with a red bump on her forehead while we were there, but I saw no sign of the fall this morning.

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