When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Monday, March 26, 2007

Random thoughts

One more month and we've been "paper pregnant" for a year. Holy Cow! Time really has flown.

We've received *interesting* news from our agency...FTIA stated that just because our Log In Date is 4-26-06, based on recent situations on China's end, they can't guarantee families have the same LID as told to the agency and China won't allow the agency to re-confirm. A couple of families who were expecting referrals last time found out their LID had moved out a few weeks. What a bummer for them! This predicament seems to be happening with families who were "questioned" by China. To our knowledge, we have not been questioned.

Also, it seems like some families are being pushed through faster. China says they are not operating under the new rules, but actions speak louder than words. I.E. A family with a 10.31.05 LID was given a referral, despite China saying they only referred up to 10.24. Hmmmmmm. My mom has a *feeling* since we meet the priority criteria, maybe we will get a surprise. Hope she's right...

DVR- we got a DVR on Friday night. I'm in heaven! I can pause/rewind/record live TV while I run to the bathroom and check laundry. Those who know me really well, know that I can't sit between commercials b/c I'm always multi-tasking. A DVR is a multi-taskers DREAM.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Referrals, Remodeling and Meatloaf

There's nothing new to report that relates to our adoption, however families up to October 24, 2005 are receiving their referrals this week. This is not a speed up or a slow down, just the same. The best case prediction for us would be November 2007 and we believe the worst case is February 2008. If China could just get through 2005 by July, this would help us.

I'm starting to feel anxious, like maybe our luck will change, so I'm working on home improvement projects again while I have the itch and trying to gear Doug up too. I'd really like to have the house completed BEFORE Emma arrives. We'll see...this year we have been here 6 years and I say we are 85% complete with what we want to fix. We have a contractor coming this week to estimate the kitchen because we are toggling between a full remodel and a "spruce up".

We had a couple of house troubles in the last week...ice knocked down 2 trees in the backyard, winds took out another, Saturday I tossed a necklace on the bathroom counter and it landed between the hairdyer and the outlet which caused a minature firework display, so we had to replace the GFCI outlet, and last night our garbage disposal disliked my meatloaf as much as we did. At 9pm last night I was mopping meatloaf and Drain-o from the basement floor. Good times.

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