When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Monday, July 31, 2006

"Why China?"

This question seems to come mostly from the 50+ demographic, so we try and understand, that some people, just can't understand. Favorite sarcastic response..."Why not?"

Not everyone is capable to adopt Internationally or willing to adopt a child that doesn't look like them, but we are. Our daughter needs a family and we want a family, so "Why not?".

China is trying to change their cultural thinking that daughters are insignificant, but it's going to take awhile for that school of thought to change. Who knows, maybe our daughter will be an activist in changing China's view of women! We can only hope...

Here we are before Emma arrives!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

How Long Does It Take to Adopt From China?

That depends on who you ask! The standard timeframe from start to finish is about 12 months. Unfortunately for us, China adoptions are experiencing a slow down right now. In January 2006 we were told it would take 8-9 months, then in March we were told 10-11 months and by the time we had our paperwork logged into China's offices (CCAA), were were told anywhere from 12-15 months.

We're crossing our fingers and doing the polka hoping that we will be in China, looking at our darling Emma for the very first time in June 2007. This wait time can speed up as quickly as it can slow down, but only time will tell!

Why the slow down you ask? Several reasons...

*Supply and demand (harsh phrasing, but true)
*China is allowing their countrymen to adopt within China and the same office (CCAA) that handles our adoptions (US) is also handling domestic adoptions.
*China is starting to see the effects of the 1 child policy and have launched a campaign that girls are important too.

The Chinese government is offering monetary stipends to families who keep newborn girls. In Chinese culture, males take care of the aging parents and girls aren't seen as capable of this, so since there is a 1 child policy, they want the first born to be male. Sad, but true!

Monday, July 03, 2006

"When Are You Going To China?"

This is the infamous question when you say you are adopting from China. Had I know how often we were going to be asked this, I would have created a log; we could have been a Guinness Book World Record holder by now!

Yes, we are adopting from China. When will be get our ladybug? Who knows....sometime in 2007, we HOPE. For the time being, we will blog our journey of endless waiting.

The Process

It took us 115 days to complete the necessary paperwork. The reason it takes so long is waiting for the social worker to finish up their report and then for immigration approval. Here's what we had to do:

*File an application with Families Thru International Adoption (FTIA)

*Hire a Homestudy Agency (Social Worker)

*Complete paperwork proving Health, Income, Financial Stability, Birth, Marriage, and that you are not a criminal for both the Social Worker and the Adoption Agency. (Yes, the paperwork overlaps, but we have to fill it out twice)

*Complete adoption education hours required by Ohio

*Be fingerprinted and approved through Immigration

*Have all paperwork notarized, County and State Certified, then Authenticated at the China Consulates Office in New York City

*Once all the paperwork has been Authenticated in NY, you can officially submit your paperwork (Dossier) to the Adoption Agency

*The agency approves our Dossier and then sends it off to China. The adoption is official once we receive our Log in Date (LID) from China. Our LID is 4/26

*Our documents will probably arrive in the "Review Room" near the end of 2006/beginning of 2007. After the review room, we go to the "Matching Room"

*Once "Matched"or Referred as the agency calls it, we receive paperwork from China stating as such. We will be provided with location, picture and medical information which we will take to Children's Hospital for a medical review. If she is healthy as we requested, we write a letter to China indicating we accept our referral

*The agency makes all of our travel arrangements and we usually travel 6-8 weeks later after our acceptance letter. We will travel in a group of 5-10 families and stay in China for approximately 14 days

*Upon return, even though Emma will be a US citizen, we will readopt her so she an have a legible, US Birth Certificate

*The Social Worker will then review us at 6 months and 12 months to complete post-replacement reports

*After the 12 month review, the adoption process is over!!!!

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