Ba no more
Bottle-free bootcamp was successful! Emma is now 24-hours ba free and drinking only from her sippy cup, which we now refer to as a ba. That seemed to be the trick, calling the sippy cup a ba. Funny little brains these wee ones have!
She had a great day yesterday playing, reading and taking a ride in her wagon outdoors. Mama froze her butt off, but Emma loves going around the block in her wagon and I made Emma wear a hat. This morning we both woke up with sneezing, sniffles and gunk in our eyes as the Fall allergens are kickin' right now in Ohio. I swear, I couldn't see anything clearly for the first 5 minutes this AM and it wasn't until I hopped in the shower that I was able to get the gunky film off my eyeballs. Not sure what the eye gunk is about as it has never happened before, but we have spent the past 2 days being outside and normally I avoid the outdoors like the plague during this time of year because of my mold allergies.
We are pretty sure Emma has allergies as she has this type of reaction in the hours after being outside every single time. The pediatrician agrees with the allergy suspicions, but they don't diagnose children allergies until after 2 years old, so we treat E. with benadryl only when the runny nose gets too much and bothers her sleep. Most of the children from Emma's orphanage have been diagnosed with allergies and excema which has already popped up on E. We have to apply lotion 2-3x's daily or she starts getting red sore spots on her cheeks and legs, especially now that the cooler weather has moved in.
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