When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Specs

The specs have arrived and Emma has adjusted well to them, better than expected in fact.  We picked them up on Wednesday and she wore them for about 4 hours, then wore them almost all of Thursday.  Dad is home today and she is not being as cooperative with wearing them for some reason.  When she does try to pull them off, I push them back on her face and tell her how pretty she looks and she leaves them alone.  Within hours of wearing the specs Emma proceeded to run smack into her plastic bouncing Zebra and smashed the glasses into her face, so she has two black eyes and a couple of red spots in one of her eyes whites where the zebra or eyeglass frame must of scratched the eye.  The glasses are "kid resistant" so there was no damage during the crash. 
Our next door neighbor comes home for lunch everyday and we are usually in the driveway having outside playtime during his arrival.  Emma never seems to recognize the neighbor until he is in our yard, but Emma recognized him from his driveway and even watched his car go down the street when he left, waving and smiling the whole time.  That was enough proof to me that she needs to be wearing these glasses and thankfully they don't seem to bother her.  The Optometrist at Children's Hospital said if Emma can see the world a lot better, she would probably leave them on and so far, I think he's right!
Emma likes to run now, the problem is, she does the full body tilt, with her noggin' leading the way and no good come from that so we try to discourage the running unless we are right next to her.  She can get from one end of the house to the next in a flash!  On Monday we took her to Uncle Jeff's, where she proceeded to climb his stairs like she had done this a million times...it was her first stair climb, with zero practice.  We are in trouble now!


At 1:34 AM , Blogger Jill said...

Ahh! Just the begining!! :) Sounds just like Vivi! LOL! Love the glasses!!
By any chance are you all in Columbus?

At 10:41 AM , Blogger Mom to Emma said...

We are in an Eastern Suburb of Cincy BUT we have relatives in Columbus (Plain city)


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