Toofers are popping in weekly...feels like it anyway. Emma is now working on her 3rd upper tooth as of yesterday and is miserable. Last night she kept waking up screaming her head off between 9pm-11pm, but then settled in after a dose of Tylenol. We feel really bad for's so interesting that some kids aren't bothered by teething, but then others are in extreme pain. I knew when I was feeding her bottle it was going to be a rough night for her because she kept moving the bottle left to right and biting down really hard. Today she has been walking around chewing/tearing into her bib, plus whiny and inconsolable. Anything that makes her mouth feel better is our motto...she could chew on my shoe if that would help! :O
The jet lag recovery from Hawaii wasn't bad at all. In fact, she has gone to bed and naps at scheduled times and has been extra sleepy; slept until 10:30am on Friday, at which point we had to wake her. There have also been several extended naps that we have had to wake her from as well. This morning she woke up at her normal 6am time, so she must be all caught up from the missing airplane sleepies.
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