When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Flying solo

Yesterday was our first day without Dada.  The day went well, other than the mouse decided NOT to sleep that night or last night, but we are getting used to less sleep finally.  Doug thinks it was the Nutrigrain bar I gave her as a snack around 7:30pm...but I ate half of it, so really the sugar content wasn't that high.  12 hours flying solo seems like a long time, but the day flew by after a few errands and a social visit.  I think the day felt longer for Doug.  We waited for Doug in the driveway around the time he was to be home and Emma got SO excited at the sight of her Dada and became really rowdy for about an hour.  We followed him around as he changed clothes and warmed up his dinner and she was beyond happy.
Mouse awoke at 5:30am today after a very restless night, but she's been napping since about 7am now and I see her stirring on the monitor, so the nap is about to end.  An hour and a half nap is not so bad...it's a gorgeous day, with low humidity, so maybe will venture to the park in the stroller after breakfast.


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