When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Crabby Patty

The day started off well, but slid downward.  We took our first trip to Krogers and Emma rode in the car seat without pitching a fit to my great relief; no one was sitting beside her as Doug stayed home, so it was our first momma/daughter trip out.  Emma slept from 7pm to 2:20am last night, but then refused to go back to sleep until about 4:30 and was awake an hour later permanently. She took about an hour and a half morning nap, but then I got a stupid sneezing fit and woke her up...her cold resolved itself, but now I have the cold plus a sore throat.  Funny thing, I dropped something on the tile and she didn't move, but the sneezing woke her?

Great Grandpa Bob came to visit after lunch and she played a little, but got tired and crabby mid-visit.  We laid her down for a nap, but an hour later she woke up hysterical/inconsolable and was that way for the rest of the day.  She was clinging to our shirts like the first day we met her, blowing out her "six shooter" for most of the day (her soothing technique is that she blows on her pointer finger) and pulling her hair.  A couple of loud noises made her jump out of her skin, so not sure what happened during afternoon nap time, but it ruined the rest of her day and she was a crabby patty all the way until bedtime.

We were limiting visitors to one visitor per day, for no more than a few hours, but maybe even one visitor a day is too much right now?

We sent our agency a couple of trip photos and they asked that we submit a particular shot for the FTIA calendar.  We will know in a few weeks if her photo wins a spot!  The photo in this blog post is the one we submitted.


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