When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Monday, August 16, 2010


It is AMAZING how much time such a little person consumes during a day...by 8pm, we are all dog-tired.  Today Emma woke up at 4:00 am, then went back to sleep for an hour at 6:30am.  Of course everytime I ran an errand, the mouse fell asleep in the car, so I usually sit in the car for about 30 minutes and let her sleep.  I think we have successfully pushed her bedtime to 8-8:30pm now, so please, no phone calls after 8pm for now.  Emma stirs VERY easy and we are in bed by 9pm, knowing she will wake anytime between 2am-4:30am.
The last few days we are really seeing the silly side of her personality shine...she's kooky just like us.  She loves shaking her head side to side, makes crazy faces, blows her lips and cracks herself up.  Food makes her go nuts, she bangs the tray and screams when she loves a particular food.  Tonight we had stuffed green peppers from Gramma Cheryl and she went wacky shaking her head and throwing her arms around with each bite.
This afternoon the weather was so beautiful we took a blanket outside and played underneath the shade of the trees in our front lawn...Emma doesn't like the grass much and got ancy after about 30 minutes, but it was relaxing while it lasted.


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