When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Dr. B said Emma is an all-star (we already knew that). She is very impressed at Emma's attachment to us and reiterated how lucky we are because this is so rare to attach to both parents. The Dr. encouraged us to be the constant, primary caregivers to strengthen the attachment she already has with us and to never let Emma cry anything out...bad mood, sleep, boo-boos etc.

Emma is on course for eating habits and growth/development, but is still underweight at only 14th percentile; her brain development has not been affected as her head is measuring 77th percentile so she is not worried and encouraged us to keep Emma on formula longer before we transition to whole milk, which we will discuss again in about 6 weeks. The Dr. was very impressed with what she is eating as most kids have textural issues and is pleased at how active she is in regards to babbling, standing, pulling up on her own etc. at only 11 months and coming from an orphanage environment.

Today's visit included 2 vaccinations and a very unsuccessful blood draw...Emma was none too pleased and actually cried so hard she stopped breathing and left a giant wet spot from sweat on the table. We are going to Children's for a follow-up blood draw because this one did not go so well...this was at the suggestion of Dr. B. The blood work is to make sure her vaccinations are true and to check for other blood screens as a safety measure.

This morning Emma was standing in her crib when we went into get her and she's been insisting on standing most of the day. Emma slept until 6am and woke up extremely cranky, but then took naps at 8am, 11:30am and 3pm...she actually slept for 2 hours on the 2nd nap! It wasn't after some Orajel and the 2 hour nap that the crankiness wore off.


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