When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Walking and drool

Emma is walking everywhere, minus grass...she hates the way the grass feels, even with her shoes on. Today she went exploring around the house, touching and gumming everything she can get her mouth on. She is SO good on her feet in regards to balance and knowing when she is getting wobbly. We have gates setup and a wall of toys blocking the step-up into our kitchen. The walking is impressive and so far, no boo-boos from walking, just from fingernails and depth perception issues when picking toys up from the floor (she bends down so far, she bangs her head on the floor).

I finally got up the nerve to cut E's nails and a week later, they had grown so much, she gave her eyelid a nice clawing; must be all the food because her nails and hair is growing like crazy. Her hair is growing in all fuzzy and wild, which is impossible to tame, but I love it...the wind blows it up into a mohawk.

Teething is really giving Emma fits. I have never seen so much drool in my life and need bar mop rags to follow behind her everywhere she goes. The 2nd front tooth is coming down and I see several "buds" poking through the gum next to it, so no wonder she is drooling and whining like crazy. The teething bothers her a lot at night, but she's been really good about not coming fully awake the last few nights, so I think she is getting used to the pain. We have tried teething rings, popsicles, oragel, cold washcloth...you name it, we have tried it. The only thing she wants to chew on is her socks and bibs; she tears into them like a little tiger then gives you that beautiful open mouthed grin of hers! Her sense of humor is so much like ours, it's amazing.


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