When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A full day

Emma slept 10 hours last night and woke up a very happy mouse!  We keep telling her that she can wake up feeling this good everyday, if she would submit to the sleep.  She took her 9am nap, we played a little, then headed to Red Robin for lunch since it was near her auditory appointment at Children's Hospital.  Emma and I shared a BLTA (Bacon, lettuce, turkey and avocado) sandwich and she loved the avocado, but we both skipped the bacon.  It is amazing what this child will eat...ironically, her initials are EAT.
After the morning nap, she woke up just as happy and played quitely in her crib before standing up and grunting for us vs. crying.  PROGRESS.  Doug and I watched her on the monitor playing with her lullably machine, sticking her fingers through the crib rails etc.  She was gabbing, smiling, dancing...a very happy mouse.
The auditory appointment is routine for all children coming from an orphanage as they have a high rate of ear infections.  Emma tolerated the first half of the appointment, but when they started placing sensors in her ears, she had enough.  The auditory specialist didn't want to traumatize her and disrupt the attachment/bonding process she has with us, so we stopped and will finish the testing at a later time.  She passed todays tests with flying colors and they don't feel she has any hearing problems, but still want to do the deeper tests to be 100% sure as this deeper area affects speech sounds.   In October we will go for the routine eye check.
I need to post more pictures, but I only post when Emma is napping, from the laptop and the pictures are on our main computer.  As soon as I am able, I will post pics.  Our "office" is right next to her bedroom door and I am a loud typist, so not risking the naptime for a few pics right now as I have woken her when typing.


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