When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Monday, October 04, 2010


This morning we took Emma to Children's for an Optometrist appointment to discover she is very near sighted and needs glasses asap, so she will be fitted for her first pair of specs this week.  Eyewear on a 12 month old...this should go over smoothly!  The optometrist said to not force the glasses, just place them on and if she pulls them off, try again in another hour or so.  I will admit, this diagnosis made me a little sad, all the worries of your child being made fun of because they wear glasses popped into my head.  However, we feel exceptionally lucky that so far Emma is doing so well in all the other areas of concern from being in an orphanage environment, eyeglasses aren't that big of a deal; more than likely both of her birthparents wore glasses per the Optometrist.  He said he sees these early diagnoses of near-sighted in Asian children in general, so it really has nothing to do with the first 10 months of her life without us and her previous environment.
On a lighter note, Emma is a bundle of activity, making us laugh and smile everyday.  In the last few days, she is babbling a lot more like she is on the verge of gaining more words.  She is doing a lot of copy cat sounds, i.e. I say lap top and she makes the sound, without necessarily saying the word, but you know what she is saying.  If we tell her to bring us her baby or dog, she goes and finds them, sometimes giving us a "woof" when we say dog.  Too cute!
We've been a houseful of illness since last Thursday.  Emma developed a nasty cold which has lasted for days and still going on then I got the genius idea of having a flu shot since Emma had one last week, only to come down with the flu about 6 hours post shot.  I was MISERABLE and couldn't be anywhere near Emma, but thankfully Doug was home to care for Emma.  If this flu is what is going to be going around this year, beware...it was the most painful bone pain and high fever I have ever had with a flu, one I wish to never experience again.  I slept so much once the Theraflu kicked in, which was the only way to get past the pain and fever. 
It's hard to believe, but tomorrow, we have been home from China for 2 months!


At 10:32 PM , Blogger Jodi said...

Hi. I have been reading your blog for a while. I think I caught onto it because you went thru FTIA, as we did. Anyway, I just noticed this post about your daughter needing glasses. We discovered our daughter crossing her eyes in pics while she was still in China, so we asked to have her eyes examined. She had just turned 3 at the time. She turned out to be rather far-sighted and really understood that the glasses helped her to see better. She was quite a bit older than your daughter is now, but I think I have a little tip that might help once she discovers the wonderful view she now has... We put a sport strap on her glasses to hold them on her head. If she is like our daughter, though she likes them, she had no regard for them falling off or sliding down her nose. (Our daughter doesn't have much of a bridge to rest them on.)
I hope Emma gets used to the glasses soon! And congratulations on your adoption!


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