When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Sunday, October 10, 2010

60 days

It is hard to believe, but we have been home for 2 months now.  The changes we see in Emma everyday are remarkable and inspiring.  She seems to have finally come to the realization that when she goes to sleep, we will be there when she wakes up.  MOST days, she doesn't fight us as hard against sleep.  When she starts rubbing her eyes, I kiss her on the head, give her a snuggle and we head to her room for some walking/rocking/swaying and usually she is asleep within 10 minutes. 
This week she began to give Doug and I unsolicited kisses and snuggles, which of course just melts us both.  Sometimes I look over at her and want to cry...we still can't believe sometimes she is here and our daughter.  The favorite part of our day is when she asleep and we discuss all the funny faces, sounds and new things she learned that day.  As Doug says, "she is the funniest kid I have ever owned".  HA!
After much shopping around, we finally settle on a pair of glasses and they will be ready this week.  There are not many eyewear options for children under the age of 2, as I am sure most eye issues aren't discovered until past this age.  Crazy as it sounds, Wal-Mart was the only optical center with extended ear hooks and the rubber nose bridge she needs to keep the glasses up on her nose.  The fancy-schmancy places and chains, i.e. Lenscrafters had nothing! We were really quite shocked at how difficult it was to find her glasses.  I learned something new while shopping...apparently they make special glasses for kids with Down syndrome.  I was actually asked at one shop if she was normal.  Um, yea, she's extremely normal, she just can't see the world clearly 20-30ft out.


At 1:45 AM , Blogger Jill said...

Doesn't time fly once they are home???
Would love to see a pic in her new glasses :)


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