Ears, Nose, Mouth and Belly
If you ask Emma where any of these body parts are, she points to them, then gives you a big grin. My personal favorite is the mouth...she thinks this is SO grin-worthy. Dad also taught Emma a fun trick/game this week. She passes us a toy coin, with her mouth, and we have to accept the coin with our mouth. I live with a bunch of silly monkeys!
The glasses are going well and the bruises are all gone from the "zebra incident".
We had an impromptu playdate with Sophia again today and the girls are starting to really enjoy one another. Emma has a few months on Sophia, so we have to make sure E is "gentle" and doesn't clobber her in the head with toys. I think this will be a good start to socialization and learning to share.
I start back to work tomorrow, working away from the house 2 days a week. For now, my schedule will rotate with Doug's off-days as Emma is still velcro-like and not ready for caregivers beyond us. Maybe later down the road, we will have a different work plan, but for right now, we don't want to disrupt the good sleeping and attachment we have going on. I've been working a few hours a week at home since we returned from China, but can only do so during Emma's nap times or sneak in bursts of work when Emma seems distracted by an object other than me. For the most part, she is at my side or on my lap all day long and wants whatever is in my hands.
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