When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Monday, October 25, 2010


We got the ok to wean E. from formula today and she received the last of her shots until the January checkup.  In exactly 30 days, she has gained 1.5 lbs (weighs 21lbs now), exactly what the Dr. wanted to see.  We cracked open our last can of formula a few days ago, so once it's done, E. will be drinking vitamin D.  The Dr. said Emma has a very good sense of humor.  DUH.  We were discussing this sense of humor the other day and wondering if it's a nature vs. nurture trait.  She imitates a lot of sounds, faces, etc. we make with/at her, so it makes us go, "hmmm"; this is how the Dr. noticed her sense of humor, by making a face and Emma's response to the face.
She passed out in the car seat after the appointment and has yet to take an afternoon nap, but she is a very happy camper despite the shots.  We've played a little hide and seek, she's been showing us her ornery smile and was having a blast walking around the house with a paper towel, feeling objects in the room out with the towel.  That's been her new thing, rubbing/banging one object against another.  I gave her a wooden cooking spoon the other day and she walked around banging against everything she could reach to see what it sounded like.



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