When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Friday, September 16, 2011


It's only right, that 2 molars come in for your 2nd Birthday. Emma woke up with a second molar peeking through on Thursday. Two molars pushing within 2 days is kinda cruel, but she has been handling these teeth coming in MUCH better than the previous 14 she cut since last September; nowhere near as moody or clingy as before. When we met her in China, she had just cut a second tooth and spent the next 6 months cutting teeth like crazy. Her pediatrician told us in January or March (can't remember which appt.) that the molars were right there and ready to come out...they took forever to emerge since that visit.

I do not miss the drool those first teeth dumped everywhere. We couldn't wait for the major teething to stop so we could clean carpets, which we just did this week, ironically. She is not as drooly this time around and the molar symptoms have been sneezing and a running nose. When E. teethed before, she wouldn't chew on anything for relief. This week she found a bottle nipple I had given her, for her "babies" and she has been chewing on it everyday...funny how kiddos change things up. I am sure part of the molars coming in so smoothly has a lot to do with how much more mature and less anxious she is now compared to last Fall.


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