When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Friday, August 19, 2011

Conversations with Emma

Emma's language is getting clearer by the week and I love that I can call home when I am at work now to talk to her...of course we are not really having a conversation, but she will say, "Hi", "Hello", "Yo", "What" and "I love you" as part of our "conversations"...sometimes she replies, "don't know" when I ask her questions.  She doesn't get that people can't see her on the other end of the phone, so she will show people her belly over the phone and do a lot of smiling/showing off when I am on the phone with people.  Emma really likes my friend Kim, so whenever I answer the phone, she will say, "Kim?" assuming it's Kim.

Yesterday we were hanging out after running a bunch of errands and I caught her putting her shoes back on.  When I asked, "Where are you going?", Emma replied, "Gamma's, dog-dog", which means Gramma Cheryl's house, her Grandma with the dog. I asked Emma a second time where she was going to see if the response would change and she replied, "Ice cream, dog-dog". 

Emma LOVES ice cream and gets very excited...we share a snack size McFlurry's at McDonalds about once a month and she goes nuts when the drive-thru hands the ice cream to me and I put it in the console to take home.  Her Dad has taught her to yell, "whaaaattt" in excitement, so I get shouts of "whaattt", "ice cream" and she sticks her tongue out really far, moving it around like she's going to reach the console with her tongue...hilarious.

She uses her "more" sign, a lot, everyday now..."more" is really helpful now that she is starting to talk but can't quite find the words she is looking for in her brain.  When we went to the Zoo this week, she was signing "more" at the monkey's, on the train and on the carousel.  It's nice that Emma can communicate when she really likes something or wants more food, water etc.  "More" seems to also be a replacement for "do it again", i.e. tickling, running, and piling her stuffed animals on top of her.


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