When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Spaghetti Sandwich

Steve the fish, now has a new compadre, a snail, to help keep the tank clean.  Emma has named the snail...drum roll please...Spaghetti Sandwich.  I have no explanation for the origin of this name, lol.  Em is a crazy, creative and funny kid!

She is loving playing games lately.  We play dominos and a Ravensburger game set everyday...she particularly loves Castles from this game set.    It's a game of rolling dice and chance...we do have to work on not being a sore loser.  Emma is very competitive, likes to win and everything has to be perfect, so we are working on the attitude of "you win some, you lose some, it's more important that we are having fun".  We have a lot more games in the house that we can't wait to break out as she is ready for them.

In November, Emma is going to be progressing to the 5 year old gymnastic class.  Her instructor approached us, indicating she knew Emma just turned four, but she is extremely strong and talented, wants to learn more and is a very good listener.  We might be adding a ballet or another form of dance to complement the gymnastics...trying to figure out the logistics of it all between work, school and gymnastics while trying to maintain some downtime too.


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