For the last week, Emma has been very interested in the potty and has gone about once a day. Yesterday, she woke up wanting to go potty like the kids in daycare and went 3 times...today, she has gone 4 times so far. She is very proud of herself and yells, "I DID IT". We are giving high fives, hugs, a sticker on her potty chart and 2 chocolate chips as a reward for using the potty. We believe seeing the other kids in daycare sparked this sudden desire, so we also tell her she went potty just like Mary and Josh. A few times a day, I tell Emma that her baby said she needs to go potty, so Emma will grab her baby, put her on the potty, then give the baby praises, just like we do with Emma. We aso do this with the mom, dad, baby and grandma in her dollhouse...Emma even makes peeing noises for each of them. All of this seems to really be helping grasp the concept. The Baby also has a sticker chart just like Emma! As of today, Emma is also becoming very skilled at being able to get herself to the potty without much help removing clothing etc, so we are quickly moving into a very good direction. There is a bribe that has been offered up if she goes a #2...ice cream!
Even though she is asking to go, I have her in Pullup diapers. She had an accident on the rug last week which made her melt down and wouldn't touch the potty for a few days. Everyone says using pullups is a no-no, but it's what is making her comfortable for right now. We are just happy she has used the potty this many times and not become scared like before. We have the cloth training undies with plastic covers, but the problem is, if she has an accident, good luck getting the cover off without dumping pee all over the floor. I think I am going to put a Pullup on top of the undies instead of the plastic cover, but giving it a few more days before we take the next step back into undies. I'm not in any hurry and considering we fly to TX at the end of this month, I fear that may make her take a few steps back in the potty training. Emma has definitely shown us in many areas of deelopment, it's her way or not at all, so she is guiding this potty training ship for now.
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