When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fever and New beginnings

Well, we have had our first fever this week, unrelated to shots. I started off ill on Tuesday with a cold/flu like illness and Emma followed suit. She has run a fever anywhere from 100.7 to 102.7 since Wednesday afternoon. Emma woke up from her nap with the rosiest cheeks I have ever seen and I knew instantly she was sick too. The Tylenol kicks the fever down fast, within 30 minutes and she is still running around, eating, drinking and playing, so I am not too concerned. Our book says as long as she is not lethargic and eating/drinking, it is normal to run a fever for up to 5 days without calling the Doctor. I haven't been running a fever nearly as high and have at times lost the will to move around, but not her.

Since the Tylenol was working so well and she was in good spirits, we kept our photo session which turned out AMAZING! Emma was a total ham posing and following direction. I HAD to buy the CD because there was not one bad picture in the bunch...we don't get the pictures or CD for a couple of weeks, so I sent the link of photos to family. Emma is so stinking adorable...I can't believe how much she has changed since our first photo session last November.

D. was sent back to his Detective position, effective this coming Monday, so we are entering a new chapter of change. It has been a blessing to not have to send Emma to a sitter for the past year like most parents do. When I work in the office two days a week, Emma will be going to a sitter. We have one day arranged and we are testing out options on the second day before we decide what is best. It would be good for E. to be around other children in preparation for preschool, for at least one day a week while I work, to learn to share and to adjust to a load of attention not solely on her everyday.

This morning Doug had court, so we had a dry run of what it is going to be like to get ourselves, plus Emma out the door on the days I go into work. Last night I picked out outfits and decided what was for breakfast which helped the morning run smoother. Emma woke up earlier than normal because of all the movement in the house, so that helped speed things along. We were able to sit down to a hot bowl of oatmeal and time to spare before heading out the door. She was a little nervous with a change in routine, as was I and we both wanted to cry when we parted, but we will all adjust and she will benefit from getting outside her comfort zone.


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