When Are You Going To China?

The Diary of our wait for Emma, somewhere in China

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A very good week of victories

Emma has had some very good progress over the last week.  She is really warming up to people more when we have visits and does her "grabby hands" at whoever is leaving, in an effort to keep them with her.  I am sure Nana Karen and Gramma Cheryl are in heaven over this new development!   Then of course she pulls out the kisses to prolong the actual leaving when we pry her from whoever it is we are leaving.  I didn't think I was going to be able to leave for work this morning because Miss Kissy was pouring it on very thickly as I was trying to make a break for it!  Doug finally yelled at me to shut the door because I was letting cold air in the house by falling prey to the kissing tactic.

Over the weekend, I went out with girlfriend's to an art exhibit and dinner, leaving Emma and Doug to fend for themselves in the evening hours.  Doug was able to get Emma to sleep without her howling at the top of her lungs for 45 minutes.  HUGE accomplishment for both Emma and Daddy.  Doug has actually had a few days when I went to work that she took her naps gently, so we hope this trend continues for Doug because it's not pretty when she doesn't go down quietly.

We have been working on 1-2-3 over the last few weeks, counting on our fingers and lining objects up for counting to 3.  Emma likes the word two and likes to show you number 1 with her pointer finger...number 3 she could care less about.  However, when we were at The Little Gym yesterday and jumping off every apparatus Emma could jump off of, she was counting 1-2-3 with me before plunging off.  Adorable.  The Little Gym experience is priceless and I can't get over how much she loves the environment.  Emma is still not too sure about the teacher touching her when we use the parallel bars, but she is all about giving cheesy grins to anyone who will look at her.   Towards the end of class, Emma didn't want to sit and sing the goodbye song, which resulted in me getting popped in the mouth when she decided to arch her back and rise up, so now I have a blood blister on my lip.  Geez that smarted!  I sat there in stunned silence before finally asking the woman next to me if I was bleeding.  My friend Kim said I showed excellent verbal restraint post-impact, lol. 


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